Categoría: Estudios antibacterianos

Eficacia de Ion Gel ZCM-25® en el tratamiento antimicrobiano contra Acinetobacter baumannii

marzo 24, 2024
Background: Acinetobacter baumannii is a pathogenic bacterium responsible for a range of infections, particularly in healthcare settings, posing significant treatment challenges. The need for effective antimicrobial agents against Acinetobacter baumannii is critical. Ion Gel ZCM-25® represents a novel antimicrobial topical gel formulated to combat such pathogens. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the antimicrobial activity […]

ANTIMICROBIANO - Prueba de desafío bacteriano y fúngico 2 - Estabilidad de seis meses 3 lotes de Ion Gel ZCM-25®

abril 2, 2020
Abstract Study Title: ANTIMICROBIAL - Bacterial & Fungal Challenge Test 2 - Six Month Stability 3 Lots of Ion Gel ZCM-25® Author: Laboratorio de Control - ARJ - Principle Investigator QFB Rocio Guadalupe Gonzales Guerrero (2020). Methods: The test was carried out based on the Mexican Official Standard NMX-BB-040-SCFI-1999 for the determination of antimicrobial activity […]

ANTIMICROBIANO - Prueba de desafío bacteriano Gram Negativo - Gram Positivo del ION-ZCM1

diciembre 9, 2019
Abstract Author: Laboratorio de Control - ARJ - Principle Investigator QFB Rocio Guadalupe Gonzales Guerrero (2020). Methods: The test was carried out based on the Mexican Official Standard NMX-BB-040-SCFI-1999 for the determination of antimicrobial activity in germicide products.Disinfectant activity by 30-second challenge tests for Gram-Negative Escherichia coli (ATCC 11229), Gram-Positive Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538), and […]

ANTIMICROBIANO - Prueba de eficacia antimicrobiana del Ion Gel ZCM-25® Gram Negativo - Gram Positivo

diciembre 9, 2019
Abstract Study Title: ANTIMICROBIAL - Gram Negative - Gram Positive Bacterial Challenge Test of Ion Gel ZCM-25® Author: Laboratorio de Control - ARJ - Principle Investigator QFB Rocio Guadalupe Gonzales Guerrero (2020). Methods: The test was carried out based on the Mexican Official Standard NMX-BB-040-SCFI-1999 for the determination of antimicrobial activity in germicide products.Disinfectant activity […]

ANTIMICROBIANO - Prueba de eficacia antimicrobiana y fúngica del ion Gel ZCM-25® 1 4 lotes

agosto 30, 2019
Abstract Study Title: ANTIMICROBIAL - Bacterial & Fungal Challenge Test 1 - 4 Lots of Ion Gel ZCM-25® Author: Laboratorio de Control - ARJ - Principle Investigator QFB Rocio Guadalupe Gonzales Guerrero (2019). Methods: The test was carried out based on the Mexican Official Standard NMX-BB-040-SCFI-1999 for the determination of antimicrobial activity in germicide products.Disinfectant […]

ION-ZC1 Estudio Antimicrobiano 1 - Bacterias - Hongos - 12 Patógenos Adquiridos en el Hospital

julio 19, 2017
Abstract Author: Dr. Zsolt Keresztessy INDEVION Biotechnology Research and Development Ltd. (2018). Methods: Antimicrobial study report 1 on ION-ZC1 In vitro on 12 different common hospital acquired gram negative, gram positive bacterial and fungal species. A none-biofilm antimicrobial assay using broth microdilution-based sensitivity. Review of the antimicrobial activity of different concentrations of ION-ZC1 by the […]
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