ANTIMICROBIAL - Bacterial & Fungal Challenge Test 2 - Six Month Stability 3 Lots of Ion Gel ZCM-25®


Study Title: ANTIMICROBIAL - Bacterial & Fungal Challenge Test 2 - Six Month Stability 3 Lots of Ion Gel ZCM-25®

Author: Laboratorio de Control - ARJ - Principle Investigator QFB Rocio Guadalupe Gonzales Guerrero (2020).

Methods: The test was carried out based on the Mexican Official Standard NMX-BB-040-SCFI-1999 for the determination of antimicrobial activity in germicide products.

Disinfectant activity by 30-second challenge tests for Mesophilic aerobes, fungus, yeast, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Results: Initial viable account (UFC/g) 10^2 vs Final viable account (UFC/g) <10.

Conclusions: During the analysis, a percentage reduction of 100% of Mesophilic aerobes, fungus, yeast, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa was determined after 30 seconds of contact with the product Ion Gel ZCM-25®, supporting equal and continued antimicrobial activities over three different lots in a 6-month stability study.

Full Study LOTE-D19044 - Spanish Full Study LOTE-D19045 - Spanish Full Study LOTE-D19046 - Spanish Full Study LOTE-D19044 - English Full Study LOTE-D19045 - English Full Study LOTE-D19046 - English
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